As a beginner to indoor hydroponics, I had a hard time deciding on what type of grow light to get for my first garden. I was just looking for an affordable grow light that I could use to grow all types of vegetables and learn more about hydroponics. At this point, it was an experiment more than a hobby. After some research, I decided to go with an LED grow light, but then I had to decide on which one. With so many options, technical specifications and pricing and can be hard to come to a decision.
While doing some online shopping I came across MarsHydro 300 watt LED grow light. I liked the price, had good reviews and I decided to give them a shot. The question was, would this budget-friendly option be good value or a waste of money?
Here’s what I found…
A Little About The MarsHydro 300 watt LED Grow Light
This LED light is geared towards those with small indoor gardens. It’s 300 watts meaning it gives you a coverage area of 2 ft x2 ft or about 4 sqft. It’s recommended that you keep the light about 18 inches about your plants. There is also a 600 watt option that gives you a little more grow area coverage. The light is full spectrum so can be used for all stages of growth.

Reasons To Purchase The MarsHdyro 300 watt LED Grow Light
Affordability– The number one reason that I decided on the MarsHydro LED grow light was affordability.
Lifespan– The MarsHydro LED grow light has a lifespan of about 50,000. That’s equivalent to lasting 2,777 days when used 18 hours a day.
Full Spectrum– Lighting can be expensive, so I wanted a full spectrum light option to be able to grow everything with only 1 light. This MarsHydro 300 watt LED light has worked great growing both vegetative and flowering/fruiting plants. I’ve grown leafy greens, vegetables, and fruit that have all turned out great.
Low Heat – The fans do a good job of dissipating the minimal heat it puts out.
The Reviews– Before buying a product I always consider the feedback from people who have already bought it.

Are There Any Drawbacks To The MarsHdyro 300 watt LED Grow Light?
While there is plenty to like, there were a few drawbacks as well…
Lack of on/off switch– The first thing that I noticed out of the box was the lack of an on and off switch. While this isn’t a big deal I do find it somewhat annoying that I have to unplug the light instead of just flipping a switch.
Lack of a dimmer-Some users described not liking the fact that there is no dimmer switch option. I don’t find this necessary when using a light in this small of a coverage area. It may be a more useful option to the 600-watt variant.

What I grew with my MarsHydro LED Grow Light
Since the MarsHydro LED grow light is full spectrum it makes it great to grow all types of plants. I’ve grown several varieties of lettuce, spinach, peppers, strawberries, tomatoes, cucumbers, and melons. This light provided me with a low-cost option to experiment and learn more about hydroponics while growing some awesome tasting food.

Is The MarsHydro 300 watt LED Grow Light Worth The Money?
So to the most important overall question; is this LED grow light worth the money? I would say absolutely!
When factoring in the cost, the quality and how long the light lasts there are few drawbacks to purchasing this light for your indoor garden. I would recommend this light for beginners, experimenting, and small gardens of only a plant or two.